Brunch - Smoked Salmon Egg Cups with Dill and Havarti and Spice Baked Fruit Salad
Dinner - Tandoori Chicken with Aloo Gobi and Balsami Rice
In starting the project of switching my diet to organic and whole foods, I discovered a love for cooking at home...
I wanted to diarize the changes in my diet because this is a really important 'project' for me and I wanted a way to look back at what I tried and how my tastes expanded and evolved by broadening my nutritional horizon.
The quasi-recipes I'm posting are more for my record than for anyone to actually follow. I'm sure much better recipes could be found in books and online, these are just my experiments that my partner and I have enjoyed. I mostly free-style while cooking, occasionally looking up a recipe online to get a better idea of a measurement of something. I find that the more I wing it, the more fun it is to cook.
All ingredients used are organic unless otherwise specified.
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