Saturday, January 30, 2010

Farmer's Market

Finally, I made it to the farmer's market. It helped that I found out it is actually open from 8 am - 3 pm on Saturdays and not just until noon like I thought. Saturday mornings are for sleeping in and then relaxing with a cup of coffee and breakfast and a good book, not going out into the bitter cold with the snow falling and ice on the roads. I ended up getting there at 1 pm and holy cow, I don't think I expected such a large building to be packed with so many people. I managed to pick up a few things I wanted - a beef cross rib roast for $14 (the last time we bought the same cut at the grocery store it was a couple of dollars more and it was filled with whatever drugs they give commercial beef), some organic whole wheat pitas, a couple dozen organic eggs ($4 per dozen, over a dollar less than the grocery store), some organic pork sausage and for Jules I picked up her favourite smoked salmon dip and some hummus. I passed by all of the produce - they only really had potatoes, cabbage, carrots and apples which is pretty much what I expected seeing as how it's the end of January. It will be nice once the spring and summer months are here and everything is available.

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